As the Board of Directors and Chief Executives of various large firms and organizations decide upon Mergers & Acquisitions, our associates commit themselves to risk minimization. This involves Legal Assistance in the fields of corporation finance, taxation, intellectual property and corporate structuration, in order to help our clients achieve their corporate goals.

We at Ghazi & Magsi, coordinate meticulously planned Merger & Acquisition transactions, while simultaneously addressing regulatory related requirements. Furthermore, we also prepare necessary documentation, extend our advice on taxation matters and provide necessary Legal Services for achieving our client’s objectives.


Our Legal Expertise and Assistance may be availed in the following arenas:


  • Post-transaction Assistance: We assist our clients in constructing value via Acquisitions through plans relating to tax efficient post-acquisition integration or post-divestiture reorganization as part of the process, thereby bolstering our clients to meet their newly acquired business needs.
  • Due Diligence: We may be consulted to scrutinize and provide legally opinionated reports in order to enable our clients to initiate Mergers & Acquisitions.
  • Corporate Structuration: Upon the successful completion of due diligence and the provision of our legal advice, our associates may be mobilized for the purpose of corporate re-structuration and the drafting of indemnities to protect our client’s interests.
  • Financial Planning: Our Barristers in charge of the Mergers & Acquisitions Team seeks to achieve the most financially rewarding terms, financial documentation alongside trading composition.
  • Risk Management: Our Associates are routinely consulted for the identification and analysis of financially associated risks, in order to create beneficial precautionary and preventive methods.
  • Follow-ups: at Ghazi & Magsi we provide a range of Follow ups and routine Legal Services to our clients subsequent to corporate transactions in order to ensure complete transparency.